Create a subgraph from exports made on the Reactome graph Database

  • This section relies on having exported a subgraph of all desired drugs to a file called all_drugs.graphml
  • File is created in the Export_Subgraph.ipynb
  • Manually must move the file from the reactome graphdb to the import folder of a new graphdb

Note: Must have started running a new empty neo4j graph database to succesfully connect

import neo4j_functions.driver as neo4j_driver
import pandas as pd
import importlib
import progressbar
import os
# Connect to new empty local database
driver = neo4j_driver.driver(uri = "bolt://localhost:7687", user = "neo4j", password = "subgraph1234")

If you encounter the error java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space try going in to the neo4j.conf file and removing/commenting out the lines:

query = (
CALL apoc.import.graphml('file:/all_drugs.graphml', {readLabels:true, storeNodeIds:true});
<neo4j.BoltStatementResult at 0x11e2dfb38>