Databases used in this project
Two primary sections: 1. Swiss-Prot/ Reviewed: Manually annotated records 2. TrEMBL/ Unreviewed: Computationally annotated records Subset of UniProtKB —> Proteomes data set
Allows search via:
- BLAST (local alignment)
- Multiple sequence alignment
- ID Mapping
- ‘Peptide search’ for 3 or more residues
Reactome Pathway Database
- Compilation of many sources of data including Kegg, UniProt, NCBI, Ensemble, etc.
- Manually curated, open-source, peer-reviewed
- Neo4J representation exists. Integrated with Spring Data Neo4j
- Tutorial on extracting different data types/building reactome cypher queries:
- Comprehensive free database of drugs and drug targets
- Well maintained
- 13k+ drug entries, 5k+ protein sequences (drug targets/enzymes/etc)
- Data base can be downloaded here
- Free for non-commercial use
- Contains sub databases to download as well (structures, protein identifiers, target sequences, etc.)